A.M. ‘Raj’ Rajendran, Ph.D. Chair and Distinguished Professor 229A Carrier Hall 662-915-5770 raj@olemiss.edu Education, experience and research interests Viola Acoff, Ph.D. Professor Dean, School of Engineering 229 Brevard Hall 662-915-7407 deanengr@olemiss.edu Education, experience and research interests Samrat Choudhury, Ph.D. Associate Professor 225 Carrier Hall 662-915-5375 schoudhu@olemiss.edu Education, experience and research interests Farhad Farzbod, Ph.D. Associate Professor 203 Carrier Hall 662-915-5698 farzbod@olemiss.edu Research Education, experience and research interests Yiwei Han, Ph.D. Assistant Professor 201D Carrier Hall 662-915-3032 yhan2@olemiss.edu Education, experience and research interests Shan Jiang, Ph.D. Associate Professor 201B Carrier Hall 662-915-5808 jiang@olemiss.edu Education, experience and research interests Taiho Yeom, Ph.D. Associate Professor 201F Carrier Hall 662-915-5377 tyeom@olemiss.edu Education, experience and research interests Tejas Pandya, Ph.D. Instructional Associate Professor 201G Carrier Hall 662-915-5378 tspandya@olemiss.edu Education, experience and research interests Damian Stoddard, Ph.D. Assistant Professor 124 Carrier Hall 662-915-5378 dlstodda@go.olemiss.edu Education, experience and research interests Wen Wu, Ph.D. Assistant Professor 201E Carrier Hall 662-915-3491 wu@olemiss.edu Education, experience and research interests Amitav Tikadar, Ph.D. Assistant Professor 227 Carrier Hall 662-915-2994 atikadar@olemiss.edu Education, experience and research interests Ohood Alsmairat, Ph.D. Instructional Assistant Professor 201C Carrier Hall 662-915-5990 oalsmair@olemiss.edu Education, experience and research interests Yu (Amy) Jia, Ph.D. Lab Instructor 201A Carrier Hall 662-915-3488 yjia2@olemiss.edu Education, experience and research interests Aaron Joy, Ph.D. Adjunct Professor 229 Carrier Hall 662-915-7219 adjoy@olemiss.edu Education, experience and research interests Jeff Rish, Ph.D. Adjunct Professor 229 Carrier Hall 662-915-7219 jwrish@olemiss.edu Education, experience and research interests Jeff Roux, Ph.D. Professor Emeritus 229 Carrier Hall meroux@olemiss.edu Education, experience and research interests Matt Lowe Supervisor, Machine Shop 122A Carrier Hall 662-915-5380 pmliii@olemiss.edu Brad Ferguson Supervisor, Machine Shop 122 Carrier Hall 662-915-7219 dbfergu1@olemiss.edu Terence Williams Operations Coordinator II 229 Carrier Hall 662-915-7219 tcwilli3@olemiss.edu Rohini Patel Staff Assistant II 229 Carrier Hall 662-915-2107 rpatel5@olemiss.edu Prabhakar R. Mantena, Ph.D. Professor Emeritus meprm@olemiss.edu Education, experience and research interests Tyrus McCarty, Ph.D. Associate Professor Emeritus mccarty@olemiss.edu Education, experience and research interests